

Work with Jack to: 

- Build stories that connect personal meaning to your professional pursuits

- Craft more authentic, engaging, and relatable presentations 

- Tell your unique story to stand out from the competition


When you tell your story you create space for people to connect to: the subject matter, you, and each other. A storyteller’s presentation can be slick, thoughtful, and intelligent but without shades of vulnerability their stories won’t deeply connect with their audience. Leading with your vulnerability, allowing others to see where your courage meets your fear, is the key to weaving stories that leave a lasting impact. This connects with not just people’s minds, but their hearts, their guts, and even their souls.

To tap into this vulnerability, storytellers must speak from a developed sense of self awareness and willingness to share. Jack uses an alchemy of deep listening, probing questions, and exercises that get you to that vulnerability that creates a more authentic truth.  He helps clients find their story, lean into telling its most essential pieces, and feel comfortable using their story to connect with others. 

Jack’s coaching is most aligned with clients that recognize the power of storytelling and are interested in stretching their creative muscles and taking healthy, even audacious risks. Building this capacity to be vulnerable is one that makes great creatives, leaders, and humans. In connecting with others to help them tell their stories, Jack hopes to deepen in his storytelling practice and grow into a better, more vulnerable human. 


Why I do What I do

In high school my big brother Andrew broke the school bench press record lifting three reps of 405 lbs. I never stepped into the gym and instead spent all my time working in the theater. While we didn’t have much in common, I looked up to him more than anybody. Andrew also got caught up with drugs and alcohol before leaving high school and luckily I never did. They led him down a very difficult journey that ultimately ended in his death one day and one month before his 24th birthday. 

His death marked the end of my ability to connect with the person I identified with most and that catapulted a number of answerless questions into my head and heart.

To process my grief I felt drawn to writing stories. Though writing has always been a part of my life it became an important piece of my healing process. Those stories led to the creation of my one-man show I’m Falling In Love All The Time. I was fortunate to have a theater family in Chicago that helped me get it on its feet. That led me to appreciate how none of us make our journey alone. Now I travel to colleges and recovery communities to use my show to connect with students, people in recovery, and families about the stigma around substance use disorders.

Telling my story opened the door for some priceless conversations where I heard others’ stories and I realized how transformative, healing, and even inspiring our stories can be.

Traveling with my show led me to focus on leaders, the people courageous enough to put their vision out there and invite us to follow them. I gained a deep appreciation for how leaders use storytelling to illuminate their vision of complex truths, deeper meaning, and higher purpose to ignite social change. Like a candle in a power outage, stories are a guiding light in moments of darkness that guide us, give us hope, and lead us home.

Now my passion and my purpose is to help people tell stories to create positive change in their world. To bring my years of experience to help people convey their vision with a mix of craft, vulnerability, and universality. Everyone has the ability to tell a compelling story given the time, proper environment, and simple tools to assist in the creative process. It’s an honor to help those stories come to life.